
(And Why you should not Dermaroll)

What is Mircroneedling?

Get results and rewarding outcomes that really benefit from the great things microneedling has to offer. Microneedling aims to stimulate the natural process of collagen production and regeneration. During the treatment a specially designed and patented serum is being applied to the skin surface and subsequently absorbed through the micro punctures made. Microneedling tightens the skin, and rejuvenates, reduces acne and scaring. This also improves wrinkles and fine lines, minimises pore size, improves stretch marks, and helps treat Alopecia. Results become visible 24 hours after and last for a few months. The procedure can be repeated anywhere between 2-6 weeks depending on your skin type and area being treated.

Serum - A Serum created just for you?

YES! With this technique, we personalise to YOU and YOUR skins needs!

This brings more awareness and control on what you’re putting into your skin that is not just universal, with highly advanced serums and ultra-significant skin resurfacing capabilities. Our carefully selected ingredients rapidly promotes skin regeneration and boosts skin cell turnover. There are 15 different serums with the ability to concoct up to 42 different personalised serums for each individual, this means you can target your concerns.

Stretch Mark Serum

A high content of hyaluronic acid and complex active components with activity aimed and deeply acts on existing stretch marks. Efficient in the fight against these skin changes, fading their appearance and improving skin texture.

Hair Growth Serum

Hyaluronic acid restores hair density and increases its volume. Panthenol penetrates the skin structure easily, nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. By stimulating the division of the epidermis cells, panthenol helps accelerate the process of skin and hair regeneration, providing scalp hydration.


Your skin is the largest organ, but the last organ to get water.

Derma Rolling VS Microneedling

Why you should NOT Dermaroll

The delivery method and mechanism are different for both Microneedling and Dermarolling.

Microneedling is less painful and less traumatic on the skin which requires less down time. The dermaroller inserts needles into the skin at a 45-degree angle which tends to create a tearing wound, as the drum is dragged across the skin. However, the Microneedling penetrates the skin epidermis vertically, creating clean micro puncture wounds that heal quickly.

The Micro Pen is more versatile as the shape and size can easily treat areas of the face that the Dermaroller cannot, such as difficulties with around the eyes, upper lip and around the nose. It is also customisable to tailor for the different depths of penetration required for each person, and area of concern. The Dermaroller can often result in puncturing the skin too deep or inconsistently, therefore making the Micro Pen more effective and safer.

The Micro Pen is more sanitary as they have disposable capsules that are used and thrown away when done. This is far more sanitary than using the same Dermaroller over your skin, especially if it’s not cleaned accurately.